About Us


Integrity, equality, quality and responsibility form the four cornerstones of our business. Living these values as part of the Nyeleti DNA, will ensure excellence and continued success for our people, our company and our clients.


Integrity requires doing what we say and always acting in good faith. This builds trust among colleagues, clients and stakeholders. In order to live up to this standard we commit to:

  • Be truthful and honest in all our dealings and communications;
  • Be truthful and honest in all our dealings and communications;
  • Not offer, pay or request any form of a bribe in order to gain an unfair business advantage;
  • Support fair competition by not engaging in price-fixing or other anti-competitive activities;
  • Take disciplinary action against all forms of workplace dishonesty and not associate or do business with those guilty of fraud or corruption; and
  • Be transparent in accounting and financial reporting.


Equality requires acknowledging the rights of others and providing equal opportunity to all. In order to live up to this standard we commit to:

  • Treat each other, our clients and everyone we deal with, with fairness and respect;
  • Uphold just labour practices and respect basic human rights;
  • Ensure a safe and healthy work environment;
  • Refrain from arbitrary or unjustified discrimination against anyone; and
  • Live up to the spirit of Ubuntu by considering the interests of people, the community and the environment within which we operate.


Quality requires providing service of the highest professional standards. In order to live up to this standard we commit to:

  • Go the extra mile in order to meet the requirements of the project and client;
  • Deliver on time and within budget to the best of our abilities;
  • Serve the best interests of our clients; and
  • Promote and contribute to the broader interests of the industry and the community at large.


Responsibility requires taking ownership of, and being accountable for our actions and mistakes. In order to live up to this standard we commit to:

  • Recognize that ethics start with me;
  • Be professional in the way we do our work;
  • Exercise our duties with care, skill, diligence and in good faith;
  • Stand up for, and assist each other at work;
  • Report any wrongdoing and set a good example to others;
  • Protect the good name and uphold the reputation of our company;
  • Not waste or abuse company resources and assets, including company time;
  • Not allow a conflict of interest to influence objectivity and independence; and
  • Support good governance practices in order to promote sustainability and business success.
Some Cool Facts

Numbers Speak For Themselves

Years of Experience
Completed Projects